康寶萊 Liftoff®能量飲品配方獨特,蘊含瓜拉拿及牛磺酸,為您身體及精神增添活力。康寶萊 Liftoff®口味清新、低熱量、零糖份。將一包康寶萊 Liftoff®能量飲品加入250毫升水中,待其溶於水中及起泡沫後,即能泡出一杯清新又有活力的飲料!
當您感到疲勞時或精神不濟時,一定會覺得做任何事都提不起勁,注意力無法集中,而且做任何事都是事半功倍的效果。所以當您有以上狀況時,需要藉由增加活力 的飲料,為您迎接下一個挑戰做準備!LIFTOFF™活力飲料是健康活力飲料領域的佼佼者,含獨特活力成分配方:L-牛磺酸、綠茶萃取物、人蔘和肌醇,能 幫助減少疲勞感。此外,更提供6種維生素B有助於增強體力。
Increase energy and improve mental clarity for better performance throughout the day with this effervescent energy drink.
Liftoff is an exclusive blend of L-taurine, guarana, caffeine, Panax ginseng and Ginkgo biloba clinically proven to enhance mental performance and boost energy. Convenient, pocket-size tablet provides a mind-body boost anytime, anywhere.
Just empty one sachet in 1 cup of cool water and let dissolve. Enjoy 1-2 servings per day.